December update

What is new: new two-step interface layout mode, highlighting for selected root/similar words, new edit keywords commands in menu, highlighting for misspelled words in “suggested keywords” section, abuse protection + some UX updates

Two-step interface layout mode

Now you can choose new layout mode “Two steps”:

  • firstly you select similar images;
  • then you choose/add keywords.
Example of two step ImStocker mode

You can activate it by this button:

Button to enable two step ImStocker mode

Highlighting for selected root/similar words

By default if you select two words with same root, they will be highlighted with special color

Highlighting of root or similar words

You can disable this behavior in “Edit… -> Settings” menu

Disablig of root or similar words highlighting

New edit keywords commands in menu

We have added new commands in menu “Edit… -> Transform keywords”

1. Command “Break into words”. This command splits keywords, which consists of multiple words, to separate keywords while removing prepositions, articles and other not important words.

Break into words command example

2. Command “Remove duplicate root/similar words”. This command keeps only the first version of keywords, which are highlighted as “root/similar word”.

3. Command “Remove words exceeding the limit”. Default limit is 50 keywords.

4. Command “Remove misspelled words“. Remove all keywords underlined by wavy line

Commands become inactive if there is no suitable keywords

Highlighting for misspelled words in “suggested keywords” section

In the previous version, misspelled words were underlined by red wavy line only after you selected them. Now they are highlighting in "Suggested keywords" section.

Grammar status of many keywords is calculated automatically by number of usage. Therefore, there can be mistakes. If you found that well written keyword highlighted as error you can add it to your dictionary. To do that, click the right mouse button on the keyword and check "Add to dictionary". It will make a really help to ImStocker project because if many users will add some keyword to dictionary it will be moved to common dictionary for all users.

Adding to dictionary

In opposite situation if you found some misspelled word, which is not marked, you can report about it. To do that click the right mouse button on keyword and click "Report an error", then fill the form and click "Save". If "Report an error" button is not visible but you are really sure that keyword is misspelled please write us via feedback form

Report an error

Try these new features here: IMS Keyworder!

Abuse protection

To prevent situation when someone blocks ImStocker by sending too many requests we have added limit to number of the search requests made by anonymous users (about 30). If you need more, just register and sign in. It is free.
