Advanced search
We have improved advanced search. Now it contains:
- Search string;
- Type of work (any, photo, illustration, vector, video);
- License type (any, non-editorial, only editorial)
- Microstock (where to search)
- Author (when microstock is specified)
- Exclude keywords
Skipping assets with similar keywords
Now if some asset in search result contains same keywords as the other asset, we hide it (usually it means that it is same picture). You can revert this behavior in new settings window:
New dark theme
Somebody like the light, somebody like the darkness. Now you can choose how ImStocker should look like:
Highlighting of duplicating keywords
When you edit keywords by yourself sometimes you can enter already exist keyword. Now we highlight keywords in this case
We also fix many small bugs and improve many small things. Try all new features in IMS Keyworder!