Auto-detection of categories
It's simple. You select the files for which you need to select categories and in the right panel click on the magic wand next to the category selection field.

Bibidi bobidi boom! The magic will happen and the categories will be selected automatically. Forgot to press the button? Submit plugins can automatically call this function before sending files!
This is only the first version, in the future the categories will be selected more precisely)
Release Management Window
A new item has appeared in the release selection drop-down menu: “Manage releases”.

A new window will open, where you can quickly select releases that have not yet been selected using the search bar on the left. And if there are no suitable ones, then immediately add several releases to the list.
Fewer clicks - more time for what you need) Also meet the ability to copy / paste release values. The corresponding buttons are located at the top of the release description.

Improved work with CSV
Work on improving the CSV export/import is bearing fruit) We ask you to love and favor the ability to choose how values are imported if they are already in the file. The following options are presented:
- Replace all
- Replace empty
- Add to end
- Add to start

To manage the list of columns during import/export, a drop-down menu has appeared on the right side of each column, where functions for moving up/down and deleting a column are available.

The new features don't end there) It is now possible to export categories by individual columns. Select the column type "Category", then "Mappings", and if you specify the insertion of only one category, a field will appear where you can specify which one.
Working with files
Bulk rename files
Now you can rename several files at once! Select several files and call the rename command. A dialog box will appear where you will need to write a template. You can use special words by wrapping them in curly brackets:
- {name}: Filename without extension
- {num}: Numeric enumerator
- {title}: Title
- {description}: Description

New settings open up new possibilities!
It is now possible to move from the description to the title using the arrow.

If you want to see the simultaneous translation not on the side, but under the fields, then you need to go to the section “Settings” -> “Metadata editor” -> “Simultaneous translation position” and set the value to “Below the field”.
Also, in the section “Settings” -> “Metadata editor” we added the setting “Show main and additional metadata in one tab”. If you activate it, you will not have to switch between tabs when filling in metadata.
A small thing, but it's nice to work)
- For convenience, we added a progress indicator when mass saving and deleting other meta tags
- Clicking outside of files now resets the selection
Uploading files
Now, when you send files to several stocks at once, these processes are grouped into one “batch”.

The batch header displays previews of several files to help you navigate the list. You can also cancel all of its processes at once or remove it from the list using the batch menu.
If you are loading similar items and want them to load on different days, use the new random distribution feature when scheduling:

Other improvements
- Added % to allowed characters
- Fixed behavior of drop-down menus at the top of the workspace
- It is now possible to specify what to read in priority: name or description when merging fields
- New option to not replace underscore with space when converting file name to name
- Added “AI Generated” status
- Now you can use Esc to close dialogs
- Added sorting by change status
- Added standard CSV format Extended metadata
- Fixed copying and pasting matches for the “Category” column
- Fixed country import
- Fixed resetting the selection when deleting individual files on the “Info” tab
- Fixed display of templates when adding them to folders
- Fixed copying and pasting matches
- Fixed incorrect DPI when generating previews
- Improvements in the submission system
- Releases are now matched case-insensitively when importing
So many changes... We hope we haven't forgotten anything) Any questions or suggestions? Write to us in Telegram. Don't miss the most interesting, subscribe to us on social networks ( - here we publish our news).
P.S. Good news for Windows 7/8/8.1 and macOS 10.15 (Catalina) users: IMS Studio 2.9 still supports these operating systems. But support for older versions of Windows and Mac will soon cease.
“Frost and sun; a wonderful day!
You are still dozing, my lovely friend -
It's time, beauty, to wake up…” A.S. Pushkin